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The British Royal Family Will Be Having Its First Same-Sex Marriage

Right after welcoming Meghan Markle, the first black American to marry into British royalty, the royal family announces another historic union in the making. Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Queen Elizabeth II’s third cousin, will marry James Coyle, his partner of two years. Their nuptial marks the monarchy’s first ever same-sex wedding.

While Queen Elizabeth II and her direct descendants are not expected to attend, the couple has the royal family’s blessing and support. He also did not need the Queen’s permission to marry since the Royal Marriage Act only requires the first six royals in line of succession to seek the permission of the ruling monarch before they marry. In an interview with the Daily Mail, Lord Ivar shares that their wedding will be held at the Mountbatten’s Bridwell Park country estate in Devon, Southwest England.

Lord Ivar is the first member of royalty who publicly came out as a homosexual back in 2016. In 2011, he divorced his wife Penny Mounbatten with whom he has three children. At the suggestion of their daughters, Penny will walk Lord Ivar down the aisle on his wedding day.

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